About the Journal

Quaestio Rossica is a peer-reviewed academic journal focusing on the study of Russia’s history, philology, and culture. The Journal aims to introduce new research approaches in the sphere of the Humanities and previously unknown sources, actualising traditional methods and creating new research concepts in the sphere of Russian studies. Except for academic articles, the Journal publishes reviews, historical surveys, discussions, and accounts of the past of the Humanities as a field.

The Journal is published quarterly. It accepts articles in Russian, English, German, and French. All articles are accompanied by detailed abstracts in English and in Russian.

Quaestio Rossica observes international standards; materials published in the Journal are indexed in the Russian Science Citation Index, Web of Science (Arts and Humanities Citation Index), and Scopus as well as other important international databases.

Quaestio Rossica according to the 2021 Scimago Journal Ranking is now rated in the first quartile in following categories: "Cultural Studies", “History”, “Literature and Theory of Literature”, “Visual Arts” (SJR metrics). Also, Journal is now rated in the second quartile in category "Language and Linguistics" (SJR metrics).

SCImago Journal & Country Rank

Quaestio Rossica is an open access journal and is subject to the CC-BY license. A full-text version is available for free on the website of the Journal, the electronic archive of Ural Federal University, and on the platform of the Russian Universal Scientific Electronic Library (RSCI). 

Current Issue

Vol. 12 No. 2 (2024)

The Artist in Russia as a Prophet

Women's Destiny in the Russian Empire

The Mysteriousness of Mikhail Prishvin

Published: 2024-06-29

Problema voluminis

Hereditas: nomina et scholae

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