Boris Aleksandrovich Larin: The Free Element of Colloquial Speech




B. A. Larin; lexicography; dialectology; dialect dictionaries; sociolects; argot; writer’s language dictionaries; colloquial speech


This article considers the contribution to philology made by B. A. Larin, a professor at Leningrad University. He formulated many ideas which remain relevant today. They include a comprehensive description of writers’ language, dialectal nondifferential dictionaries, lexicographic analysis of the vernacular of Moscow Rus’ between the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, studies on urban colloquial speech (argot and jargon in particular), analysis of semantic lexical dominants relying on the diachronic approach, and discussions of principles of historical phraseology, etc. The scholar not only solved many issues connected with modern philology but also laid the foundations for further research. One of Larin’s main research interests was semantics, to which he devoted many of his works. In his study of semantics, he relied on a multi-dimensional examination of living colloquial speech both synchronically and diachronically. His most important ideas and projects related to this sphere: the colloquial language of Muscovite Rus’ in its everyday written form and notes made by foreigners; the living idiomatised speech of the Praying by Daniel the Immured; urban argot, Pskovian dialects, and the dialects of Pechora and Nekrasov Cossacks; the colloquial speech of Nizhny Novgorod examined through the prism of Gorky’s autobiographical trilogy, etc. The majority of his ideas became long-term research projects which have already been realised to a large extent in dictionaries co-authored by Larin’s students at the interdepartmental lexicographical centre of the University of St Petersburg.

Author Biography

Valery Mokienko

Dr. Hab. (Philology), Professor, St Petersburg State University.

7/9, Universitetskaya Embankment, 199034, St Petersburg, Russia.

ORCID 0000-0002-0264-0576


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How to Cite

Mokienko, V. (2019). Boris Aleksandrovich Larin: The Free Element of Colloquial Speech. Quaestio Rossica, 7(3), 903–916.



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