The National Peculiarities of Coronavirus-Related Social Advertising in Russia and China




social advertising, COVID‑19, pandemic, verbal communication, non-verbal communication, Russia, China


The relevance of the global problem of confronting the coronavirus infection has made it possible for a whole scholarly direction to appear, i. e. the COVID humanities. This has brought together scholars from different countries who study the social, psychological, and linguistic behaviour of people in the new crisis. Its philological branch appeals to linguistic issues during the struggle against COVID‑19. This article deals with the reflection of the pandemic in Russian and Chinese social advertising. Comparative analysis reveals a thematic similarity between the advertisements of the two countries. Social advertising as an effective tool of interaction between the country and its population has become a natural platform for educational hygiene and dissemination of scholarly knowledge about people’s behaviour during the pandemic. In addition, advertising in Russia and China is a powerful mobilisation resource for ensuring social solidarity, promoting a common collective destiny, expressing gratitude to doctors who are perceived as heroes of our time, and raising the level of collectivist culture that facilitates the implementation of anti-COVID measures. At the same time, the thematic similarity of advertisements released in the two countries has a different national meaning. Chinese advertisements demonstrate a high degree of ideologisation and figurativeness. The material of Russian advertisements studied makes it possible to trace the use of linguo-creative techniques at different stages of the pandemic and the development of shock methods for influencing the target audience. China’s special place as the epicenter of the spread of the new virus has caused China-specific topics to appear (support for Wuhan and appeals to the population to abstain from consuming wild animal meat).

Author Biography

Irina Vepreva

Dr. Hab. (Philology), Professor, Ural Federal University named after the first President of Russia B. N. Yeltsin.

19, Mira Str., 620002, Yekaterinburg, Russia.

ORCID 0000-0002-2230-1985


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How to Cite

Vepreva, I. (2022). The National Peculiarities of Coronavirus-Related Social Advertising in Russia and China. Quaestio Rossica, 10(1), 35–52.



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