The Tax Burden in the Petrine Era: Historiographical Discussions




tax reform, household tax, capitation, emergency payments; tax burden; Commission on taxation; D. M. Golitsyn


The author demonstrates that the tax burden was first calculated in Russia at the end of 1729 by the Tax Commission (1727–1730) headed by Prince Dmitry Golitsyn. The calculations allowed the Commission to draft a tax reform. Its documents contain unique information about extraordinary payments, i. e. sums for enlisting recruits and the construction of headquarters. These data allow the author to reconsider the results of the Petrine tax reform, which are reflected in the historical literature as an increased tax burden from 16 to 260 percent. According to the author’s calculations, with the introduction of capitation tax (and when comparing the sums from 1721–1723, 1724, and 1726–1727) taxes raised increased by 70 percent; taking into account the increase in prices for bread, they grew by 94 to 116 percent. Nevertheless, the article emphasises the fact that some information on the fees for the supply of recruits was obtained by Golitsyn’s Commission on the basis of incomplete data. Accordingly, it is only possible to obtain rough estimates of tax burden when using this information. In addition, the review of data indicates errors in the Commission’s calculations of taxes due per household in 1724 and in 1726–1727. These errors affected the calculation of the tax burden in Russia in the 1720s. The author comes to the conclusion that these mistakes were intentionally made by the Commission, the head of which, apparently, was interested in drafting a tax reform, not reducing the army’s budget. However, it is important to note that Golitsyn’s Commission carried out tremendous work in collecting and analysing data on the financial situation of the country. This work expands established ideas about the history of economic and statistical thought in Russia.

Author Biography

Arthur Mustafin

PhD (History), Junior Researcher, National Research University Higher School of Economics; Associate Professor, Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration.

20, Myasnitskaya Str., 101000, Moscow, Russia.

82/1, Vernadsky Str., 119571, Moscow, Russia.

ORCID 0000-0003-2053-4061


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How to Cite

Mustafin, A. (2019). The Tax Burden in the Petrine Era: Historiographical Discussions. Quaestio Rossica, 7(4), 1214–1228.



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