Пятилетие журнала «Новейшая история России»: научный потенциал, новые источники и смелые идеи


  • Valery Kaminsky




Статья посвящена пятилетию деятельности российского научно-теоретического междисциплинарного журнала «Новейшая история России». Журнал начал выходить в июне 2011 г. С этого времени и до конца 2015 г. на его страницах было опубликовано порядка 300 академических материалов различной направленности. Издание изначально было объявлено междисциплинарным, журнал был призван объединить на своих страницах усилия историков, политологов, экономистов, социологов, психологов – всех тех, кто занимается исследованием истории России ХХ в. в попытке преодолеть односторонность в оценках российского исторического процесса. Хотя материалы журнала носят строго академический характер, они представляют интерес для широкой публики, интересующейся проблемами истории минувшего столетия и современности. Подход редколлегии к отбираемым материалам отличают академическая непредвзятость, объективность и высокий уровень толерантности. В статье сделана попытка взвешенного анализа нескольких десятков научных публикаций, увидевших свет на страницах журнала за 2011–2015 гг. Эти материалы автор распределил по 16 тематическим разделам, не только выявив источниковедческие, концептуальные и методологические достоинства тех или иных публикаций, но и указав на возможные недостатки, прежде всего в использовании элементов научно-справочного аппарата.

Библиографические ссылки

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Kharshak, A. A. (2012). Petr Evgen′evich Kornilov (1896–1981 : Tvorchesky put′. Stanovlenie [Petr Evgenievich Kornilov (1896–1981). Creative Development. Formation]. In Noveyshaya istoriya Rossii, 2, pp. 153–174.
Kharshak, A. A. (2013). Petr Evgen′evich Kornilov (1896–1981) : Tvorchesky put′. Sluzhenie [Petr Yevgenyevich Kornilov (1896–1981). Career. Service]. In Noveyshayaistoriya Rossii, 1, pp. 208–240.
Kharshak, A. A. (2014). Petr Evgen′evich Kornilov (1896–1981) : Tvorchesky put′. Voskhozhdenie [Petr Evgenievich Kornilov (1896–1981). His Career Path and Ascent]. In Noveyshaya istoriya Rossii, 1, pp. 212–247.
Kharshak, A. A. (2015). Petr Evgen′evich Kornilov (1896–1981) : Tvorchesky put′. Ispytanie [Petr Yevgenyevich Kornilov (1896–1981). Creative Career. Probation]. In Noveyshaya istoriya Rossii, 2, pp. 152–191.
Kharshak, A. A. (2015). Petr Evgen′evich Kornilov (1896–1981) : Tvorchesky put′. Voskreshenie [Petr Kornilov (1896–1981). Creative Development]. In Noveyshaya istoriya Rossii, 3, pp. 131–172.
Khodjakov, M. V. (2011). Lyudi i den′gi: denezhnaya reforma 1947 g. i deyatel′nost′ Leningradskoy bumazhnoy fabriki Goznak [People and money: currency reform of 1947 and activity of the paper mill Goznak in Leningrad]. In Noveyshaya istoriya Rossii, 1, pp. 54–65.
Khodjakov, M. V. (2012). Den′gi i “chernyy rynok” v lageryakh inostrannykh voennoplennykh Estonskoy SSR : 1945–1949 gg. [Money and black market in the prison camps for foreigners of the Estonian SSR :1945–1949]. In Noveyshaya istoriya Rossii, 3, pp. 180–194.
Khodjakov, M. V. (2012). “Prikhoditsya tratit′ nemalo deneg dlya sokhraneniya konspirativnosti” : Petrogradskaya gubernskaya ChK perioda grazhdanskoy voyny v materialakh finansovykh organov [“Spend a lot of money to save the conspiracy” : Petrogradskaya Cheka during the Civil War in the financial Authorities materials]. In Noveyshaya istoriya Rossii, 2, pp. 7–23.
Khodjakov, M. V. (2013). “Eti brat′ya MVD mnogo khuzhe, chem bylo nashe Gestapo…”: nastroeniya voennoplennykh v lageryakh Estonskoy SSR v 1948 g. [«These Fellows From the MVD are Much Worse Than our Gestapo Ever Was…»: The Mood Among Prisoners-of-War in Concentration Camps of the Estonian SSR in 1948]. In Noveyshaya istoriya Rossii, 3, pp. 273–274.
Khodjakov, M. V. (2013). Pobegi inostrannykh voennoplennykh iz lagerey NKVDMVD Estonii v 1945–1949 gg. [Shoots of foreign prisoners of war from the Estonian camps of NKVD-MVD in 1945–1949]. In Noveyshaya istoriya Rossii, 2, pp. 228–249.
Khodjakov, M. V. (2014). Perepiska inostrannykh voennoplennykh v lageryakh NKVDMVD Estonii vo vtoroy polovine 1940-kh gg. [Correspondence of Foreign Prisoners in the Camps of the Estonian NKVD-MVD in the late 1940s]. In Noveyshaya istoriya Rossii, 2, pp. 39–55.
Khodjakov, M. V. & Chemakin, A. A. (2012). Denezhnoe obrashchenie v sovetskoy zone okkupatsii Germanii : 1945–1948 gg. [Money circulation in the Soviet occupation zone of Germany. 1945–1948]. In Noveyshaya istoriya Rossii, 1, pp. 153–165.
Komarkov, A. Yu. (2012). Problemy stanovleniya soyuznicheskikh otnosheniy SSSR s Angliey i SShA (22 iyunya – oktyabr′ 1941 g.) [Problems of establishment of allied relations between USSR, England and United States (22 June – October 1941)]. In Noveyshaya istoriya Rossii, 1, pp. 145–152.
Konokhova, A. S. (2012a). “I nam v otvet razdayutsya naznacheniya po gorodam oblastnogo znacheniya…”: sistema raspredeleniya vypusknikov vuzov v SSSR v gody khrushchevskoy “ottepeli” [“We receive appointments to the backwoods towns…”: graduates′ job placement in USSR during the “thaw” period]. In Noveyshaya istoriya Rossii, 3, pp. 233–242.
Konokhova, A. S. (2012b). Sestry miloserdiya v gody revolyutsii i Grazhdanskoy voyny [Sisters of charity in the years of revolution and Civil war]. In Noveyshaya istoriya Rossii, 1, pp. 91–99.
Kotova, E. S. (2015). Osobennosti reprezentatsii problem gradostroitel′stva v SSSR i Velikobritanii : 1950–1970-e gg. [Some Features of the Representation of the Problems of Urban Development in the USSR and the United Kingdom, 1950–1970s]. In Noveyshaya istoriya Rossii, 3, pp. 182–192.
Kovaleva, T. V. (2011). Iz “razzhalovannoy stolitsy…” (po materialam oppozitsionnoy pressy 1918 g.) [“From the demoted capital...” (from oppositional periodicals in 1918)]. In Noveyshaya istoriya Rossii, 2, pp. 35–49.
Kozlov, D. (2011). Otzyvy sovetskikh chitateley 1960-kh gg. na povest′ A. I. Solzhenitsyna “Odin den′ Ivana Denisovicha”: svidetel′stva iz arkhiva “Novogo mira” [Responding to A. I. Solzhenitsyn’s “One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich”: Soviet readers’ letters to ”Novyi mir” in the 1960s]. In Noveyshaya istoriya Rossii, 1, pp. 178–200 (Part I), 2, pp. 192–200 (Part II).
Krivosheev, Yu. V. (2011). “V svyazi s evakuatsiey iz rayona…”: sovetskie pereselentsy na Karel′skom peresheyke i nachalo Velikoy Otechestvennoy Voyny [“For the reason of evacuation from the region…”: Soviet migrants on the Karelian Isthmus and the beginning of the Great Patriotic War]. In Noveyshaya istoriya Rossii, 1, pp. 133–137.
Krivosheev, Yu. V. (2013). Dokumenty ob areste S. F. Platonova v 1919 g. i M. K. Lyubavskogo v 1923 g. [Documents on the Arrest of S. F. Platonov in 1919 and M. K. Lyubavsky in 1923]. In Noveyshaya istoriya Rossii, 3, pp. 240–244.
Krivosheev, Yu. V. & Sokolov, R. A. (2012). Periodicheskaya pechat′ o fil′me “Aleksandr Nevsky” : 1938–1939 gg. [Periodicals about the “Alexander Nevsky” movie : 1938–1939]. In Noveyshaya istoriya Rossii, 1, pp. 178–192 (Part I), 2, pp. 114–135 (Part II).
Krymskaya, A. S. (2011). K istorii nauchnoobrazovatel′nykh obmenov mezhdu SSSR i SShA v kontse 1950-kh – 1960-e gg. [About USSR–USA scientific and educational exchanges at the end of 1950s–1960s]. In Noveyshaya istoriya Rossii, 2, pp. 99–106.
Krymskaya, A. S. (2014). Sovetsky obraz zhizni glazami amerikanskikh stazherov 50–70-kh gg. XX veka: iz vospominaniy i interv′yu [Soviet way of life as seen by American exchange scholars in the 50s–60s of the XX century]. In Noveyshaya istoriya Rossii, 2, pp. 125–139.
Kulachkov, V. V. (2014). Vospriyatie deyatel′nosti kooperativnykh organizatsiy krest′yanstvom Zapadnogo regiona Rossii v 1920-e gg. [Cooperative Organizations and the Perception of its Activity by the Peasantry of Western Russia in the 1920s]. In Noveyshaya istoriya Rossii, 2, pp. 56–63.
Qualls, K. (2011). Sozdanie i rekonstruktsiya pamyati o Sevastopole [Constructing and reconstructing the memory of a hero-city Sevastopol]. In Noveyshaya istoriya Rossii, 1, pp. 138–145.
Qualls, K. (2013). O pereplanirovke goroda-geroya Sevastopolya, 1944–1953 gg. [To agitate and to render service: replanning of the hero-city Sevastopol, 1944–1953]. In Noveyshaya istoriya Rossii, 2, pp. 70–91.
Kutuzov, V. A. (2011). A. A. Zhdanov i postanovlenie TsK VKP (b) o zhurnalakh “Zvezda” i “Leningrad” [Zdanov and the decision of AUCP(b) about the journals “Zvezda” and “Leningrad”]. In Noveyshaya istoriya Rossii, 1, pp. 146–152.
Kutuzov, V. A. (2012). Zhdanov ili Kuznetsov? : K voprosu o liderstve v blokirovannom Leningrade [A. A. Zhdanov or A. A. Kuznetsov? Problem of leadership in besieged Leningrad]. In Noveyshaya istoriya Rossii, 1, pp. 193–203
Kutuzov, V. A. (2013). Zagadochnaya smert′ A. A. Zhdanova [Mysterious death of A. A. Zhdanov]. In Noveyshaya istoriya Rossii, 1, pp. 164–177.
Kuznetsova, O. N. (2011). Ekonomichesky Sovet pri Vremennom pravitel′stve Rossii v 1917 g. [The Economic Council of the Provisional Government of Russia in 1917]. In Noveyshaya istoriya Rossii, 2, pp. 7–21.
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Mikhaylova, I. B. (2015). Doloy “«nenastoyashchego” “Tsarya”! : Kampaniya protiv kinofil′ma P. S. Lungina v pechati i Internete [Down with the “Unreal” “Tsar”! The Campaign against the Film of P. S. Lungin in Press and the Internet]. In Noveyshaya istoriya Rossii, 2, pp. 192–208.
Mikhaylova, I. B. (2015). “Strashnoe kino” o “psikhologii vlasti” : O fil′me “Tsar′” – ego sozdateli [“Terrible film” about “psychology of power”. Creators of the film about it`s meaning]. In Noveyshaya istoriya Rossii, 1, pp. 163–173.
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Как цитировать

Kaminsky, V. (2016). Пятилетие журнала «Новейшая история России»: научный потенциал, новые источники и смелые идеи. Quaestio Rossica, 4(2), 233–266. https://doi.org/10.15826/qr.2016.2.168



Vox redactoris