Alexander the blessed: a view from the Seine


  • Vladimir Zemtsov



Alexander I; Russian Empire; the late 18th – first quarter of the 19th century; European integration projects; French historian M.-P. Rey


Reviewing a book by a renowned French historian, M.-P. Rey, about Russian Emperor Alexander I, the author appreciates Rey’s extensive sources and his exceptional knowledge of Russia’s history. Rey critiques the results of Alexander I’s national policies, but also notes the positive changes that the Rus-sian Empire brought about in Europe. The historian traces several original plots that elucidate and even modify former ideas of the Russian Emperor’s policy (among which are Alexander I’s attempts to reunify the three main branches of Christianity). Drawing from previously unexamined sources, Rey’s research is an original work that gives a broader idea of the meaning, essence and driving force of not only the Russian Empire’s but also Europe’s development in the late 18th – early 19th centuries.


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Ratchinski A. Napoléon et Alexandre Ier: la guerre des idées. Paris : B. Giovanangoli, 2002. 403 p.

Rey M.-P. La tentation du rapprochement, France et URSS à l’heure de la détente, 1964–1974. Paris : Publications de la Sorbonne, 1991. 355 p.

Rey M.-P. De la Russie à l’Union soviétique, la construction de l’empire, 1462–1953.

Paris : Hachette : Carre Histoire, 1994. 253 p.

Rey M.-P. Le dilemme russe, la Russie et l’Europe occidentale d’Ivan le Terrible à Boris Eltsine. Paris : Flammarion, 2002. 354 p.

Rey M.-P. Alexandre Ier. Paris, 2009. 592 p.

Rey M.-P. Alexandre I: The Tsar Who Defeated Napoleon. DeKalb (Illinois) : Northern Illinois Univ. Press, 2012а. 439 p.

Rey M.-P. L’effroyable tragédie, une nouvelle histoire de la campagne de Russie. Paris : Flammarion, 2012b. 390 p.

Vandal A. Napoléon et Alexandre Ier. T. 3. La rupture. Paris : Plon, 1896. 607 p.

How to Cite

Zemtsov, V. (2014). Alexander the blessed: a view from the Seine. Quaestio Rossica, (1), 287–295.



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