Visualization of the eastern front in Austro-Hungarian World War I propaganda


  • Hannes Leidinger



World War I, propaganda, visualization, Austro-Hungary, Germany, Russia, France


The research carried out with reference to archival Austro-Hungarian films and photographs explicates the themes, tasks and genre diversity of the visual account of World War I in the Eastern Front. The author determines how the themes and heroes of war history changed and reveals the peculiarities of the realization of state patriotism and propagandistic functions of photographs. The results obtained with reference to archival data of the Austro-Hungarian Monarchy are integrated into the international contest and compared to the visual materials created in the other countries involved in World War I.


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How to Cite

Leidinger, H. (2014). Visualization of the eastern front in Austro-Hungarian World War I propaganda. Quaestio Rossica, (1), 112–128.



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