Yakov Khrisanfovich Bakhmeotov, Commandant of the Northern Capital: Performance of Duty under Peter the Great





commandant, garrison chancellery, control system, St Petersburg, Ya. Kh. Bakhmeotov, A. D. Menshikov


Based on the analysis of office and private correspondence, this article examines the activity of Ya. Kh. Bakhmeotov, the St Petersburg commandant between 1717 and 1725. It is established that the commandant was aware of all aspects of the functioning of the St Petersburg fortress as a special military-administrative community. He commanded the garrison regiments (overseeing recruitment and staffing, providing necessary supplies, ammunition, and salaries, and taking care of education), carried out legal proceedings, supervised day-to-day operations, construction, and repair works. Bakhmeotov’s actions were aimed at maintaining the St Petersburg fortress and garrison in operational condition. Additionally, the author characterises the activities carried out by the commandant in the territory of St Petersburg. It is noted that Bakhmeotov performed duties related to the implementation of construction projects, providing security, organizing ceremonies and celebrations, and representing the authorities in the city administration system. Consequently, the author makes a conclusion about the multifunctional nature of the city’s commandant as a state institution, who held a strong position in the management system of St Petersburg. Finally, the article raises the question about the peculiar character of ties that brought together Bakhmeotov and other institutions. The study of these ties seems to be a promising line for further research.

Author Biography

Marina Nakishova

Assistant, Junior Researcher, Laboratory for the Study of Primary Sources, Ural Federal University named after the first President of Russia B. N. Yeltsin.

19, Mira Str., 620002, Yekaterinburg, Russia.

ORCID 0000-0002-2115-1663



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How to Cite

Nakishova, M. (2022). Yakov Khrisanfovich Bakhmeotov, Commandant of the Northern Capital: Performance of Duty under Peter the Great. Quaestio Rossica, 10(1), 290–305. https://doi.org/10.15826/qr.2022.1.672


