From Militants to Secret Agents: Ukrainian Communists under General Denikin




Civil War, Ukraine, 1919, General Denikin, Communist Party, White Terror, repression, Bolshevik underground


During the Civil War, the Communist Party and its activists had to constantly adapt to ever-changing situations. This paper aims to study their reaction in Ukraine in 1919 after Denikin took control of the country. It will focus on the 800 activists sent behind enemy lines from July to November 1919. Using the paperwork of special bodies created by the Central Committee (CC) of the Communist Party (Bolshevik) of Ukraine (CP(b)U) to tackle this task (Zafrontbyuro – rearguard bureau; Voenotdel – military department; Otdel Svjazi – communications department), the article will first question the way underground activists were selected. Second, it will highlight how missions behind enemy lines were designed and organized. Third, it will consider the missions themselves and the hardships endured once activists reached Denikin-controlled territory. Fourth, one has to wonder what activists tried to do, questioning what they thought about their dangerous job and what their missions effectively brought to the Bolsheviks. This will help us understand how the Civil War was indeed a “formative experience” (in Sheila Fitzpatrick’s words) for the communists, shaping their worldview and behavior.

Author Biography

Éric Aunoble

PhD, Senior Lecturer, University of Geneva.

24, rue du Général-Dufour, 1211, Geneva, Switzerland.

ORCID 0000-0002-9859-0648


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How to Cite

Aunoble, Éric. (2021). From Militants to Secret Agents: Ukrainian Communists under General Denikin. Quaestio Rossica, 9(1), 91–108.



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