A Study on Understanding the Changing Diaspora and Virtual Communities through Digitalization





Russia, Turkey, Caucasus, diaspora, Circassians, migration, “digital” diaspora


This article contains a research study within the framework of the diaspora approach, focusing on the connection of the Circassian community, which had to leave the Caucasus during the Tsarist Russia period in the 1860s and settle in Turkey, their new homeland. Although various definitions exist, the concept of diaspora is generally used to describe people who were forcibly separated from their homelands during historical processes and settled in at least two countries. With the advent of the digital age, the diaspora concept has evolved, particularly in terms of diaspora communities, as communication tools with the homeland have improved, and social and geographical mobility has changed through virtual communication platforms. In a physical sense, it enables access to numerous resources, such as maintaining connections with the homeland and diaspora members who are physically distant. Diasporic communities can create virtual communities, collaborate, and establish cultural connections through new media. Although this process has not yet spread to every aspect of life, initial steps have been taken through communication initiated by Caucasian Associations. The digital realm adds a digital dimension to the concept of diaspora. In this context, the virtual communities established by Circassians living in Turkey with their homelands in the Caucasus are examined through in-depth interviews with key figures from Caucasian Associations in the diaspora and participants from the homeland.

Author Biographies

Nursel Bolat

PhD, Associate Professor, Ondokuz Mayıs University.

73/3, Çarşamba, 55500, Samsun, Turkey.

ORCID 0000-0002-3986-7408


Ömer Çakın

PhD, Associate Professor, Ondokuz Mayıs University.

73/3, Çarşamba, 55500, Samsun, Turkey.

ORCID 0000-0001-7853-6460


Esennur Sirer

PhD, Associate Professor, Uskudar University.

14, University Str., 34662, Istanbul, Turkey.

ORCID 0000-0003-0345-4158



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How to Cite

Bolat, N., Çakın, Ömer, & Sirer, E. (2024). A Study on Understanding the Changing Diaspora and Virtual Communities through Digitalization. Quaestio Rossica, 12(1), 110–128. https://doi.org/10.15826/qr.2024.1.868



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