Concepts of Translation of Russian Poetry in Western Culture




verse system, verse meter, rhyme, Spanish poetry, Russian poetry


This article compares the peculiarities of Western and Russian versification and then considers the aspects to observe when translating Russian poems. While the Western tradition continues to be dominated by the distinction between form and content, Russian poetry does not share this binary logic, as both concepts are inextricably linked. Whereas in the West, poetry has become individualised, “mute”, and mostly “written”, Russian verse has not lost its “communicative” character and is therefore highly phonetic. Given this fact, it is possible to identify some Spanish-language examples that bring the two traditions closer together and can serve as rhythmic models for a more identical translation of Russian verse. The author uses his own experience as a translator of Russian-language poems.

Author Biography

Omar Lobos

Dr. Hab. (Philology), Lecturer, University of Buenos Aires.

480, Puán, C1406CQJ, Buenos Aires, Argentina.

ORCID 0000-0001-8802-8232


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How to Cite

Lobos, O. (2023). Concepts of Translation of Russian Poetry in Western Culture. Quaestio Rossica, 11(4), 1153–1165.



Problema voluminis