The Enlightenment and Social Emancipation under Catherine II: From “Cultural Shock” to Modernisation Practices




late 18th-century Russia; the peasant question; modernisation; Enlightenment era; enlightened absolutism; school reforms; public schools


Referring to an analysis of published and archival sources, this article demonstrates that starting with the reign of Catherine II, the positive solution of the peasant question began to be closely connected with the development of Enlightenment both among the population and the ruling class. The cultural shock the empress-to-be experienced upon her arrival in Russia (being struck by backwardness, the lack of freedom, and state disorder) played a decisive role in the situation. Not daring to take direct action to abolish serfdom, she began to prepare the cultural and moral ground to make it possible in the future. From the point of view of modernisation theory and intellectual history approaches, the school reform of the late eighteenth century most fully corresponded to the ideals of the Enlightenment and the modernisation prospects of the country of all the measures implemented during the reign of Catherine II. This reform paved the way for the establishment and development of a state educational system. The establishment of the Russian comprehensive school was an indispensable condition for the modernisation of the country; it was also necessary to secure the results and continue the development of changes in public, intellectual, and cultural life. When developing and implementing the reform, the country relied on the experience of Austria, one of the “enlightened monarchies” of Europe: Emperor Joseph II himself took part in this matter. Catherine II’s school reform was supported and promoted by representatives of the international scholarly community working in Russia, including academicians F. U. Aepinus and Au. L. Schlözer. The school reform relied on the most progressive principles; for example, the coeducation of children of all classes and both sexes and free education. These principles significantly outpaced the readiness of Russian society to perceive them and could not be fully realised; historically speaking, however, the country took a step in the right direction. It played an important role in cultivating an “enlightened bureaucracy”, laying the groundwork for the future abolition of serfdom and the reformation of Russian society as a whole. Considering national peculiarities and problems together with other educational initiatives, Catherine II’s school reform was an example of a largely successful implementation of a modernisation project on the path towards cultural Westernisation.

Author Biography

Ludmila Artamonova

Dr. Hab. (History), Professor, Samara State Institute of Culture.

167, Frunze Str., 443010, Samara, Russia.

ORCID 0000-0002-4584-6339


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How to Cite

Artamonova, L. (2019). The Enlightenment and Social Emancipation under Catherine II: From “Cultural Shock” to Modernisation Practices. Quaestio Rossica, 7(2), 525–538.



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