An Old Believer before the Schism: A New 17th-Century Document on Elder Kapiton




religious radicalism, Old Believers, asceticism, monasticism, Kapiton


In the 1960s–1970s, researchers focused on the figure of elder Kapiton when V. S. Shulgin and S. A. Zenkovsky simultaneously became interested in him. As a result, the image of an ascetic and charismatic leader formed, uniting small communities of followers around him. Of particular interest was the fact that Kapiton seemed to show some skepticism about some church practices before Patriarch Nikon’s liturgical reform. Thus, he appeared to be an “Old Believer” before the Raskol. While most of the documents about Kapiton’s activities rely on the testimonies of his opponents, the petition found in the State Archive of Vologda Region provides an exceptional opportunity to understand how his supporters perceived the elder. The petition shows that the monastery founded by Kapiton was divided into two opposing camps, the reconciliation between which was impossible. The sources created in these conditions deserve a particularly critical approach, so it is difficult to restore the ideas and practices characteristic of Kapiton on their basis.

Author Biographies

Aleksander Lavrov

Dr. Hab. (History), Professor, Université Paris-Sorbonne.

1, rue Victor Cousin, 75005, Paris, France.

ORCID 0000-0002-1189-3532

Alexey Morokhin

PhD (History), Associate Professor, Lobachevsky State University of Nizhny Novgorod; Research Fellow, Institute of Russian History of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

23, Gagarin Ave., 603950, Nizhny Novgorod, Russia.

19, Dmitry Ulyanov Str., 117292, Moscow, Russia.

ORCID 0000-0003-2000-3383


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How to Cite

Lavrov, A., & Morokhin, A. (2023). An Old Believer before the Schism: A New 17th-Century Document on Elder Kapiton. Quaestio Rossica, 11(2), 619–630.


