The Last Princes of Tarusa in the Synodikon of the Moscow Cathedral of the Dormition




princes of Tarusa, princes of Obolensk, grand princes of Muscovy, Synodikon, testaments, treaties


New data on the genealogy of the princes of Tarusa in the Synodikon of the Cathedral of the Dormition in Moscow are compared with rare mentions of representatives of this family in the testaments and treaties of the grand princes of Muscovy from the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries, as well as other sources. Some researchers suggested identifying the princes of Tarusa in these sources with representatives of other families, i. e. Prince Vasily Ivanovich of Tarusa in the Moscow-Lithuanian treaty of 1449 with Prince Vasily Ivanovich of Obolensk, Prince Ivan Borisovich of Tarusa in the razryad of the Smolensk campaign of 1502 with Prince Ivan Borisovich of Ruza, and Princess Evdokia of Tarusa in the grand princely testament of 1504 with Grand Princess Evdokia, the widow of Dmitry Donskoy. The author demonstrates that the commemoration of the princes of Tarusa in the Synodikon of the Moscow Cathedral of the Dormition provides grounds for a literal interpretation of the mentions of this family between the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries, while the identifications proposed in the literature require unnecessarily risky presumptions.


Author Biography

Oleg Khoruzhenko

PhD (History), Senior Researcher, Institute of Russian History of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

19, Dmitry Ulyanov Str., 117292, Moscow, Russia.

ORCID 0000-0003-0708-0018


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How to Cite

Khoruzhenko, O. (2021). The Last Princes of Tarusa in the Synodikon of the Moscow Cathedral of the Dormition. Quaestio Rossica, 9(3), 877–885.



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