Hungarian Troops in World War II: The Bitter Truth of Archival Documents and an Attempt at Revision


  • Tamás Krausz



Hungarian historiography; Great Patriotic War; falsification of history; partisans; POWs; Nazi genocide in the USSR; Hungarian occupation forces in USSR in 1941–1944


This article analyses how Hungarian historiography reflects – like a drop of the ocean – a new narrative in which the Great Patriotic War is being transformed into a myth. The pioneer of the new approach is Krisztián Ungváry. Following the spirit of the totalitarianism theorem, he equates the role played by Nazi Germany in World War II to that of the Soviet Union, thus equating one regime to the other. The theoretical basis and background of the new narrative were first provided by E. Nolte and T. Snyder. Ungváry and some other Hungarian historians keep distorting the role the Hungarian occupation army played in the genocide on Soviet territory. They falsify the history of the partisan war when they ignore the special annihilating character of the Nazi war in the east. Ungváry totally loses sight of the basic differences concerning the fate of German and Soviet POWs. This study tries to give some brief insights into the causes of this distorted approach. The publication is divided into two parts: in the first, the main issue is genocide, while the second pays more attention to falsification and the neglect of objective statistics.

Author Biography

Tamás Krausz

Dr. Hab. (History), Professor, Eötvös Loránd University.

1–3, Egyetem tér, 1053, Budapest, Hungary.


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How to Cite

Krausz, T. (2020). Hungarian Troops in World War II: The Bitter Truth of Archival Documents and an Attempt at Revision. Quaestio Rossica, 8(2), 604–620.



Conceptus et conceptio