Platonov and Reshetnikov


  • Boris Mihajlovich Gasparov Columbia University



Fyodor Reshetnikov; Andrey Platonov; style; Russian literature; modernist aesthetics


Considering wide socio-cultural and literary contexts and referring to biographical data, the article studies the literary life of Fyodor Reshetnikov (1841–1874). The author maintains that the interpretation of Reshetnikov’s prose is to a considerable extent stereotypical, especially in relation to his work as a narodnik (a populist) and naturalist of the 1860s–1980s, demonstrating that he was a sharp social critic but a second-rate writer. Referencing Reshetnikov’s artistic world, his way of thinking, and the speech patterns in his texts, the author draws a connection between his prose and the prose of Andrey Platonov, concluding that a similarity exists between the two writers’ literary styles. Additionally, the author argues that it is possible to analyze the creative work of the two writers through the prism of modernist aesthetics.


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How to Cite

Gasparov, B. M. (2024). Platonov and Reshetnikov. Quaestio Rossica, (2), 176–192.



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