Strangeness in Dostoevsky’s poetics: «Demons»


  • Natalia Aleksandrovna Kupina Ural Federal University



norm; anomaly; dynamic ambiguity; emotional and psychological tension; creative manner


The author explores the boundaries of the «strange» in Dostoyevsky s artistic world, analyzing the adjective strannyi (strange) and its grammatical, semantic and derivational potential, thereby revealing such characteristic features of the writer s artistic world as anomality, dynamic ambiguity, indefiniteness, mysteriousness, and irrationality. The author focuses on the role of strannyi as reflexive in the creation of a psychological portrait of characters, as well as for the depiction of attitudes and demonian techniques of ideological influence.


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How to Cite

Kupina, N. A. (2024). Strangeness in Dostoevsky’s poetics: «Demons». Quaestio Rossica, (2), 167–175.



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