Yelets uprising of 1606 in the history of the time of trobles


  • Igor Olegovich Tyumentsev Southern Scientific Center of Russian Academy of Sciences (SSC RAS)



Time of Troubles; nature of popular movements; source study; historiography; prosopography


Having analyzed the few surviving documents and memoirs of the summer of 1606 in Russia and critically considered with their help of fables, manuscripts and memoirs, the author concludes that the popular movement against Tsar Vasiliy Shuyskiy started with the uprising of Yelets in 1606 and not with the uprising in Severshchina area as was previously believed in historiography. The uprising was initiated by representatives of the service class and Cossacks from Southern Uyezds, both veterans of False Dmitry who had not resigned themselves to the death of their tsar. The author considers the actions taken by the state authorities of Vasiliy Shuyskiy and the rebels’ reaction to them. The author concludes that the rebels’ protests had serious grounds and that the events of 1606 were of great importance since they demonstrated the rebels’ capacity of self-organization under the utopian idea of protecting their tsar (False Dmitry, False Peter) as a supporter of the Cossacks.


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How to Cite

Tyumentsev, I. O. (2024). Yelets uprising of 1606 in the history of the time of trobles. Quaestio Rossica, (2), 144–150.



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