The «Russian Livonia» project


  • Alexander Il'ich Filiushkin Saint Petersburg State University



Ivan the Terrible; Livonia; Livonian War; Duke Magnus


The ‘Russian Livonia’ project was an attempt to establish a province of Russian Tsardom in the lands conquered in Livonia between 1558–1560 which could be regarded as a model of integration of foreign territories into Russia in the 16th century. Russian authorities used a number of integration approaches, such as the system of agreements with Livonian cities and later the political model of the Holy Roman Empire. They tried to found a Livonian Kingdom, which was subordinate to Ivan the Terrible as Emperor. There were two attempts to carry out this reform: in 1564 and in 1569–1578, both unsuccessful. They never led to the integration of Livonia into the Russian state and commonwealth. The Russification of Livonia failed. Livonia saved its status as a middle earth between different cultures.


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How to Cite

Filiushkin, A. I. (2024). The «Russian Livonia» project. Quaestio Rossica, (2), 94–111.



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