Replaced and dying? The history of Russian urban crafts in the context of modernisation theory: articulation of the issue


  • Andrey Keller



The history of Russian urban crafts in the era of industrialisation (from the second half of the 19th to the early 20th centuries) has not received sufficient historiographical attention, although in the last two decades researchers have become increasingly interested in the topic. In the context of modernisation theory, which was developed in the 19th and 20th centuries, crafts as a phenomenon have been considered “stuck in the past”, which supposedly means that they are not relevant to modernity: as such, the subject has been traditionally ignored. This article will discuss some methodological questions, the answers to which will allow us to take a new approach to the history of crafts and update our knowledge on this subject. The article will attempt to show the genetic relations between craft workshops and the so-called ‘generators of innovation’ – modern small- and medium-sized enterprises.


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How to Cite

Keller, A. (2017). Replaced and dying? The history of Russian urban crafts in the context of modernisation theory: articulation of the issue. Quaestio Rossica, 5(1), 15–31.



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